Last, but not least, here behind door number three lurks my “Designer” page. This is where business gets done. Here is where I get to take all of that time, energy, creativity and spend them on someone else’s behalf — developing someone’s marketing concept or solving someone’s communication, or packaging problem.
I like puzzles of all sorts, and I enjoy problem-solving. It scratches a different sort of creative “itch” that I have. But real-world graphic design is inherently demands collaboration and compromise. It often truly tests one’s altruistic spirit trying to find just the right balance between client need, budget, and my own aesthetic sense of what constitutes “good” design, and that inner drive to do my very best no matter how big or small (or frustrating) the job might be.
My portfolio contains a variety of work . . . decades worth. I’ve culled and curated the collection to display my capability for creative design, campaign concept, and verbal problem-solving (yes I write copy too). A good graphic professional must wear a lot of hats. You can’t just be good at one thing, or excel in one area to be successful. You have to be an artist, illustrator, writer, editor, photographer, stylist, marketeer, and stay well-versed in the latest technology, and practice, and be on-time and under budget.
On top of that tall order, you have to care about, and get along with, all sorts of people. I try my best. We are all on this tiny blue sphere for such a very, very short time. Too often we miss what’s most important and basic to being human, simply enjoying the ride and sharing the experience.
Thanks for visiting!